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Home \―Nature Is What We See‖: ...
Title ―Nature Is What We See‖: Spirituality in Emily Dickinson’s Nature Poems
Type of Research Article
Keywords Nature, Spirituality, God, Dickinson
Abstract Nature and every parcel of it, needless to say, can be the sign of her Creator, God, for keen observers of her. As it is mentioned in the Holy Quran over and over again, one can see the traces of God not in unknown mysteries but in concrete signs around one. As God Himself says, ―I am nearer than your jugular to you‖, then one can find Him through Nature around. Undoubtedly, Emily Dickinson was one of those who could find God through Nature and not in the church. Therefore, the present study would like to indicate how Dickinson‘s spiritual Journey led her from naive nature mysticism through disappointment, to a sacramental approach to God. She thought of nature as a model for transcending the limitations of physical reality. Also nature is one element that frequents Dickinson‘s poems as a means of conveying message of life. Through the inclusion of familiar aspects of wildlife, such as bumble bees and flowers, she is able to paint a picture that portrays the hopes and anxieties found throughout every life. She asks that if God is in the world, informing and vitalizing it, what better endeavor one could engage in than to seek out ways to establish a closer relationship with him through nature.
Researchers Ali Arian (First Researcher)