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Exchange the phase space and symmetry group of integrable Hamiltonian systems
Type of Research Presentation
Integrable Hamiltonian systems, Lie bialgebra, bi-symplectic structure.
In this paper, with Lie bialgebra of bi-symplectic type construct Integrable Hamiltonian systems for which the Poisson-Lie group G plays the role of phase space and its dual Lie group ~G plays the role of symmetry group of the system. We give the new transformation to exchange the role of phase space and symmetry group i.e. the Poisson-Lie group ~G plays the role of phase space and its dual Lie group G plays the role of symmetry group of the system. Finally, give an example and then by this transformation, exchange the role of phase space and symmetry group.
Researchers Ghorbanali Haghighatdoost Bonab (First Researcher)، Jafar Abedi Fardad (Second Researcher)، Adel Rezaei-Aghdam (Third Researcher)