Fatty Acids are aliphaticm onocarboxylica cidsw hich act as the building lipids blocks.T he
importanceo f fatty acidsi n humand iet due to the positivee ffectsi n the preventiono f diseases
sucha sh eartd iseasec, ardiovasculasr,k in inflammationb, loodp ressurea ndb lood clotting.I t also
helpsi mmunef unctiona ndp romotesh ealthb raina ndp reventsc ancer[ ]. Omega-3a ndO mega-6
fatty acids for fetal growth and development are important especially to the Central Nervous
System( CNS)t 2l. You shoulda lwayse ntert he bodyt hroughd ietaryf atty acidsi s neededa ndt his
will requiren ew sourceso f thesea cids.T herebyt,h is work is trying to inhoducen ew sourceso f
plant fatty acids [3]. Firstly, extraction and derivatization methods were optimized on several
specieso fplants ofthe genusS alvia.T hen,m ethylatedfa tty acidsw erea nalyzedq ualitativelya nd
quantitativelyre spectivelyb y GC andG C-MS.F inally,t hep roflrleo f fatty acidsi n somes pecieso f
Salvia was determined.