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Title Encouraging Feedback-Seeking Behavior: An Effective Strategy for Language Learning
Type of Research Presentation
Keywords Feedback-Seeking, Language Learning, Self-Motivation
Abstract The present paper aims to investigate the effect of the feedback-seeking behavior on learning English. Given the importance and role of learning English as the global communication language, it is essential to explore ways which help facilitate its practical and effective learning. One of the most important elements in the effective learning of a foreign language is feedback-seeking behavior. To better understand the feedback-seeking behavior by reviewing the literature, we studied feedback-seeking behavior in the selfmotivation framework. Through this conceptual model and having defined the feedback-seeking behavior, we examined the antecedents and consequences of this behavior in order to provide English language teachers with some practical suggestions as to how they can encourage the feedback-seeking behavior among learners. Recent studies have shown that feedback seeking can improve learning performance, since it can facilitate the creation and achievement of learning goals.
Researchers Abolfazl Ghasemzadeh (First Researcher)، Esmaeil Safaei Asl (Second Researcher)، Elham Esmaeili (Third Researcher)