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Title A ‘Thick Description’ Genre Analysis of Death Announcement Notices
Type of Research Article
Keywords Death Announcement Notices
Abstract Death is an unpleasant but inevitable reality of human life. People die on daily basis and leave survivors in a period of grief and mourning. Unlike grief, which is private and individual, mourning is collective and communal, thus cultural. This means that like many other social practices, it varies both in terms of form and content from one community to another (Boor & Bloor, 2007). The purpose of this study was to examine the schematic shaping of the discourse of the Death Announcement Notice, henceforth DAN, which is normally used in the mourning ceremonies in Tabriz, the context of research. The analysis involved detecting underlying macro structures, or moves (Swales, 1990; Nwugu, 1990, and Bhatia, 1993), and the surface level textual features by means of which these macro patterns are realized. It was supplemented with explanations instigated from the socio-cultural context of the research.
Researchers Farzad Salahshour (First Researcher)