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Trends in different procedures for detection and determination of lead in environmental samples
Type of Research Presentation
Environmental samples, Lead, Preconcentration, Spectrometric techniques
Lead (pb2+) is widely used in chemical and plastic industries, battery manufacturing, smelting, pigment products, printing industries and mining. It is considered as dangerous toxic metal to the environment and human health. Accumulation of lead in the vital organs can cause poisoning, brain and kidney damage, anemia and cancer. From this point of view, lead has been distributed in environment increasingly. Therefore, the trace analysis of these metals is necessary. During the past 8 years, numerous methods have been reported for detection and determination of lead including flame atomic absorption spectrometry (FAAS), graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS), inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (ICP-AES), inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), flame atomic fluorescence spectrometry and near-infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy which are reviewed in this article. Among these techniques, FAAS and GFAAS have been more attractive to determine trace amounts of lead in complex samples. However, due to the low level of lead in many samples its direct determination with all of the above techniques is on occasions difficult. Consequently, a separation and preconcentration procedure is often required prior to its analysis by the above techniques. The most widely used procedure during the past 8 years for separation and preconcentration of trace concentrations of lead include cloud point extraction, Solid phase extraction, dispersive solid-phase extraction and liquid liquid microextraction.
Researchers Leila Khoshmaram (First Researcher)، Ghadir Esmaeili Gavgani (Second Researcher)