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Mathematical Analysis of Some Viral Infection Models
Type of Research Presentation
Viral infection‎, ‎CTL immune response‎, ‎Global stability‎, ‎Lyapunov‎ ‎function
‎It is well known that the mathematical biology and dynamical‎ ‎systems give very important information for the study and research‎ ‎of viral infection models such as HIV‎, ‎HBV‎, ‎HCV‎, ‎Ebola and‎ ‎Influenza‎. ‎In this paper‎, ‎sufficient conditions for the global‎ ‎stability of equilibrium points of the system will be obtained by‎ ‎using Lyapunov's second method and LaSalle's invariance principle‎. ‎We prove the global stabilities of rest points of the system by‎ ‎the value of basic reproduction number $(\mathbf{R_0})$ and the‎ ‎immune response reproduction number $(\mathbf{R_{CTL}})$‎.
Researchers Tohid Kasbi Gharahasanlou (First Researcher)، Vahid Roomi (Second Researcher)