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Excitation on the para-Bose states: Nonclassical properties
Type of Research Article
In this paper, we use a para-Bose operator to construct new kinds of excited para-Bose states. These states may be considered as appropriate and linear combinations of the para-Bose Fock states. We prove that these states satisfy a closure relation that is expressed uniquely in terms of the Meijer G-function. We examine the nonclassical properties of these states, by evaluating para-Bose Fock state distribution, Mandel’s parameter, second-order coherence function and quadrature squeezing. It results that the introduced excited para-Bose states show both the nonclassical and semiclassical statistics on their Fock state distribution. We also show that these states lack second-order coherence, i.e. they are not full coherent. Interestingly, the non-classicality of these states is controlled by the deformation parameter and number of excitation, where both parameters might be feasible for fine tuning in the trapped-ion quantum simulation.
Researchers Bashir Mojaveri (First Researcher)، Alireza Dehghani (Second Researcher)، (Third Researcher)