Reduced graphene oxide (rGO) nanosheets were patterned with poly[benzodithiophene-bis(decyltetradecyl-thien) naphthothiadiazole] (PBDT-DTNT) and poly[bis(triiso-propylsilylethynyl) benzodithiophene-bis(decyltetradecyl-thien) naphthobisthiadiazole] (PBDT-TIPS-DTNT-DT) and used in
photovoltaics. Conductive patternings changed via surface modification of rGO; because polymers
encountered a high hindrance while assembling onto grafted rGO. The best records were detected in
indium tin oxide (ITO):poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene):poly(styrenesulfonate) (PEDOT:PSS):PBDTDTNT/rGO:PBDT-DTNT:LiF:Al devices, i.e., short current density (Jsc) = 11.18 mA/cm2, open circuit voltage
(Voc) = 0.67 V, fill factor (FF) = 62% and power conversion efficiency (PCE) = 4.64%. PCE increased 2.31 folds
after incorporation of PBDT-DTNT into thin films. Larger polymer assemblies on bared-rGO nanosheets
resulted in greater phase separations.