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بررسی نشانگرهای احتیاطی در کتب و مقالات پزشکی
Type of Research Thesis
نشانگرهای احتیاطی کتب پزشکی مقالات پزشکی
Hedging expressions can be used in describing methods and discussing findings, results and conclusions and establishing interpersonal relationships between readers and writers. hedging devices reveal that the researches do not intend to discuss the findings and results of their research categorically. By using hedges, writers also try to improve the chance of persuading their readers by taking a cautious perspective in their statements. The present study examines hedging in an academic context that are research articles. Hedging is a strategy by which writers show their attitudes and the degree of confidence that they have over the truth of their research. It is also used for creating an interpersonal relationship between the reader and writer.
Researchers (Student)، Farzad Salahshour (Primary Advisor)، (Advisor)