The material of the present checklist has been collected from the Iranian intertidal and shallow subtidal shores of the
Persian Gulf and Gulf of Oman from 2015 to 2019, in addition to re-examining all the materials deposited in the Zoological
Museum of the University of Tehran. This checklist providing 16 new records for the Persian Gulf and 15 for the Gulf
of Oman raised the number of recorded caridean shrimps to 109 and 49 for these gulfs, respectively. However, the actual
number of these shrimps are higher than these numbers due to two facts. Firstly, most of the subtidal diverse ecosystems,
e.g. coral reefs and seagrass bed have not been seriously investigated taxonomically. Secondly, there are some members
of species complexes and probably some new species in the study which need to be carefully treated.