Intelligent Industrial IoT (IIoT) is a promising tool in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. It is reliant on the interaction between com-puter-integrated manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that can lead to the plenty of opportunities for various intelligent industrial services. IIoT is perceived to generate a large volume of industrial data. Thus, it necessi-tates the emergence of the new data-driven strategies, in which, intelligence is considered to have a fundamental role. In this context, the Machine Learning (ML) techniques are the core branch of AI and capable of extracting valuable in-formation from large quantities of data. As they play an essential role in data mining, knowledge discovering, and building pattern recognition models, they are able to provide a powerful computational paradigm in equipping the embed-ded intelligence in industrial applications as well. This chapter discusses the op-portunities and challenges of realizing the AI, and particularly ML, approaches in IIoT systems that are used in the smart manufacturing environment.