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Complementing IIoT Services Through AI: Feasibility and Suitability
Type of Research Book
IoT, IIoT, Artificial intelligence
Intelligent Industrial IoT (IIoT) is a promising tool in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, Industry 4.0. It is reliant on the interaction between com-puter-integrated manufacturing and Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies that can lead to the plenty of opportunities for various intelligent industrial services. IIoT is perceived to generate a large volume of industrial data. Thus, it necessi-tates the emergence of the new data-driven strategies, in which, intelligence is considered to have a fundamental role. In this context, the Machine Learning (ML) techniques are the core branch of AI and capable of extracting valuable in-formation from large quantities of data. As they play an essential role in data mining, knowledge discovering, and building pattern recognition models, they are able to provide a powerful computational paradigm in equipping the embed-ded intelligence in industrial applications as well. This chapter discusses the op-portunities and challenges of realizing the AI, and particularly ML, approaches in IIoT systems that are used in the smart manufacturing environment.
Researchers Fatemeh Banaie (First Researcher)، Mahdi Hashemzadeh (Second Researcher)