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Punishment contrary to human dignity in literary works
Type of Research Article
crime, inhuman punishment, human dignity, Saeb Tabrizi, Safavid period
Among the literary works, Divan Saeb Tabrizi is one of the works that clearly reflects the ideas, thoughts and culture of the Safavid era with slang and the creation of new themes. This reflection, which is influenced by the poet's time, his aspirations and beliefs, examines issues such as sociology, psychology, doctrinal principles and even legal issues (especially criminal law) of crimes and punishments, and human status and dignity. Observes the observance and non-observance of this dignity in that era. Although in literary texts, less attention is paid to legal issues and related concepts and terms, but the explicit use of tools such as sticks, forks, rods, whips, razors, swords, etc. indicate the existence of law and the implementation of other punishments. Humanity is against leaving it. In this research, the magnificent work of Saeb Tabrizi (Diwan) has been examined in order to determine the extent of social justice according to the rule of Shiism in that era and to reveal whether from the poet's point of view, punishment is a tool for establishing social justice or Creating fear and panic among the people and mere obedience to government officials? This research shows that by contemplating literary texts, commonalities between literary and legal issues can be achieved.
Researchers Mahdi Ashjaei Khameneh (First Researcher)، reza faani (Second Researcher)