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Towards a Word to TeX transformer: A case study in model driven development
Type of Research Presentation
Model-driven development, Epsilon transformation language, Eclipse modeling framework, Word documents to TeX documents conversion
Model-Driven Development (MDD) is a paradigm that promotes the use of models as the primary artifacts throughout the software development process. In this research paper, we present a case study of applying MDD principles to transform documents from Microsoft Word format to TeX (a typesetting system often used for academic and scientific documents). We leverage the Eclipse Modeling Framework (EMF) and the Epsilon Transformation Language to define the source, target, and model transformation metamodels. This case study demonstrates the effectiveness of MDD in addressing document transformation challenges, while also showcasing the practical application of EMF and Epsilon in the context of model-driven development.
Researchers Alireza Rouhi (First Researcher)، Einollah Pira (Second Researcher)