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Additional notes about the soldier flies (Diptera, Stratiomyidae) of Varzqan region-Iran
Type of Research Article
Stratiomyidae, New records, Varzqan region, Iran.
Based on collected specimens of the soldier flies from Varzqan region (located in north western of Iran) during 2010-2013, fourteen species from 7 genera are recognized of which Chloromyia formosa (SCOPOLI, 1763) is recorded for the first time from Iran. Besides this is a first record of the genus Chloromyia DUNCAN, 1837 from Iran. A list of the species along with notes on diagnostic characters, geographical distribution and supplementary figures of the new record are provided.
Researchers Davoud Mohammadi (First Researcher)، Samad Khagani nia (Second Researcher)