In thi s stud y, a novel three-phase six-switch dual input converter is proposed and employed as a rectifi er
to integrate two variabl e speed wind turb ines based on perm anent magnet sy nchronous generator
(PMSG) into t he util ity grid. The proposed conver ter is derived by reducing the numb er of switc hes of
nine sw itch co nverter. It is also noticeable that the proposed topology is cost-ef fi cient espe cially in low
power appl ications , due to the fact that the cost of IGBTs is nearly the same for the average ratings of
switc hes. Util ized control meth od promises sinusoi dal waveforms and obta ins unity power factor in
generators side. In order to enhanc e t he effi cienc y of the system, a maxi mum power poi nt tracking
(MPP T) algorithm is also appl ied. M ATLAB /SIMULI NK is used as an aid to test the converter and the
control schem e. M oreover, an experimen tal prototype of the proposed recti fi er is im plemen ted so as to
evalua te analysis , control meth od and si mulation results.