مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Optical properties of ...
Optical properties of nonextensive inhomogeneous plasma sheath
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
Nonextensive statistics, Kinetic theory, Plasma
Propagati on of electromagneti c wave through an inhomogeneou s magnetized nonextensive plasma sheath is numerically examin ed for a realistic densi ty profile of a reentry problem around a hypersonic vehicle. The effect of nonextensivi ty and inhom ogeneity on rad io wav e communication is studied parametric ally. Variat ion of reflection and transmis sion coefficient s, total attenuati on, and total phase shift over the plasma sheath with respect to the strength of applied magnetic field are derived and compared for different values of q-nonextensive parameter. The obt ained results for inhomogeneo us plasma sheath are compared wit h previously obtained results of authors fo r homogeneo us plasma sheath . The comparison shows that radio communi cation in the inh omogeneous plasma sheat h is more advantageous than that in the homogeneo us case. The transmission coefficient of a plasma sheath with s uperthermal electrons (13 < q < 1) has larger value compared to that with q > 1. Moreover, for xce > x, the minimum value of total attenuation corresponds to the range 13 < q < 1. An interesting result is that nonextensivity effect on wave propagation in plasma sheath depends on the strength of the ambient magnetic field. The effect of nonextensivity on attenuation coefficient is found to be negligible for xce < x while it is significant for xce > x.
پژوهشگران آمنه موسوی (نفر اول)، عبدالرسول اسفندیاری کلجاهی (نفر دوم)، مسعود اکبری مغانجوقی (نفر سوم)