مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Target-Triggered Three-Way ...
Target-Triggered Three-Way Junction in Conjugation with Catalytic Concatemers-Functionalized Nanocomposites Provides a Highly Sensitive Colorimetric
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
MiR-21 Detection Colorimetric Biosensors MiRNA
With the great advances in DNA nanotechnology, scientists have shown interest in developing dynamic nanostructures for theranostic applications, analyte sensing and cargo delivery. Here, we present a specific enzymefree ultrasensitive platform based on a multilayer coupled signal amplification strategy to quantify miR-21 molecule. The biosensor was integrated based on three signal amplification gadgets, namely a translatormediated catalytic hairpin assembly (CHA), a multilayer DNA concatemer on the surface of gold decorated magnetic nanoparticle (GMNP), and a DNAzyme-mediated catalytic signal amplification. MiR-21 mediates the release of a DNA translator from an immobilized duplex to engage in a CHA reaction using three hairpins, including a GMNP-conjugated hairpin 1 (H1), biotin-labeled hairpin 2 (H2) and a GMNP-conjugated hairpin 3 (H3) to form a three-way junction (3WJ). Meanwhile, a plenty of initiator strand 0 (S0) on GMNPs – each of which has been bifunctionalized with S0/H1 or S0/H3 – drive several multilayer peroxidase-mimicking DNAzyme concatemers in the presence of two accessory oligonucleotides; strand 1 (S1) and strand 2 (S2). Since a G-rich sequence was attached at the 5′-end of S1 strand, in the presence of hemin cofactor, an active G-quadruplex DNAzyme with peroxidase activity was formed. The concatemers on the surface of GMNPs can convert a colorless substrate to a green product. The biosensor can detect as low as 1 aM of miR-21 and provide an excellent capability to discriminate single-base mismatches. The required time for the formulation of the assay reagents is about three days and the reaction time for the detection of miR-21 takes place in less than four hours.
پژوهشگران الیاس حسین زاده (نفر اول)، هادی راوان (نفر دوم)، عباس محمدی (نفر سوم)، رحیم محمدرضائی (نفر چهارم)، اکرم نوروزی (نفر پنجم)، حسین حسین زاده (نفر ششم به بعد)