مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Dynamic Modeling of Multiple ...
عنوان Dynamic Modeling of Multiple Microgrid Clusters Using Regional Demand Response Programs
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
کلیدواژه‌ها multiple microgrid clusters modeling; load frequency control; regional demand response programs; renewable energy resources and load uncertainties; imperialist competitive algorithm
چکیده Preserving the frequency stability of multiple microgrid clusters is a serious challenge. This work presents a dynamic model of multiple microgrid clusters with different types of distributed energy resources (DERs) and energy storage systems (ESSs) that was used to examine the load frequency control (LFC) of microgrids. The classical proportional integral derivative (PID) controllers were designed to tune the frequency of microgrids. Furthermore, an imperialist competitive algorithm (ICA) was proposed to investigate the frequency deviations of microgrids by considering renewable energy resources (RERs) and their load uncertainties. The simulation results confirmed the performance of the optimized PID controllers under different disturbances. Furthermore, the frequency control of the microgrids was evaluated by applying regional demand response programs (RDRPs). The simulation results showed that applying the RDRPs caused the damping of frequency fluctuations.
پژوهشگران زیبا رستمی (نفر اول)، سجاد نجفی روادانق (نفر دوم)، نوید تقی زادگان کلانتری (نفر سوم)، ژوزپ گویریرو (نفر چهارم)، خوان واسکز (نفر پنجم)