مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Vector Product Approach of ...
Vector Product Approach of Producing Non-Gaussian States
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
Vector product Minimum uncertainty Angular momentum measurement Dicke states Maccone-Pati uncertainty relations
Two new configurations of superposition of quantum states corresponding to the angular momentum of spin-1 quantum system is proposed in this article. One is a trivial state, , which consists of two Klauder’s type of spin coherent state and that is also perpendicular to , and the other is a non-trivial case composed of vector product of two different copies of spin states, and , i.e. . Some properties of such quantum states are discussed. For instance, depending on the particular choice of parameters, we show that they minimize both the Heisenberg and Robertson-Schr dinger uncertainty relations (RSUR) of each pair of the angular momentum components while the standard spin-coherent states do not satisfy. We have also shown that preparing the system state as a and choosing one of the mentioned orthogonal states, , one can find a minimum lower bound for the Maccone-Pati uncertainty relations (MPUR) which is stronger than the other uncertainties. We also establish an irreducible and unitary representation of Lie algebra 2 through the introduced states
پژوهشگران علیرضا دهقانی (نفر اول)، بشیر مجاوری (نفر دوم)، علی اصغر آل نبی (نفر سوم)