مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Threats and conservation of ...
Threats and conservation of the medicinal plants
نوع پژوهش کتاب
Medicinal plants,conservation
Medicinal plants (MPs) are universally worth sources of herbal products, andthey are vanishing at a high rate. The MP resources are under constant threat of extinction because of population growth, overexploitation, environmental destruction, illegaltrade, and unsound harvesting techniques. This chapter discusses about the developments, global trends, and prospects for the strategies and sustainable application of MPresources and methodologies about the conservation to supply a trusty referral for thesustainable application and MP conservation. We accented that both resource management (e.g., good sustainable use solutions and agricultural practices) and conservationstrategies (e.g., in situ and ex situ cultivation) should be sufficiently taken to calculatefor the sustainable application of MP resources. We recommend that biotechnical approaches (e.g., micropropagation, tissue culture, molecular marker, and synthetic seedtechnology-based approaches) should be applied to ameliorate yield and shift thepower of MPs.
پژوهشگران سعید حضرتی (نفر اول)، مریم محمدی چراغ آبادی (نفر دوم)، سعید ملائی (نفر سوم)