In this paper, we use the collisio nal quantum magnet ohydrodynamic (CQMHD ) model to derive
the transverse dielectr ic function of a relativistically degenerate electron fluid and investigate
various opt ical parameters, such as the complex refracti ve index, the reflection and absorption
coefficients, the skin -depth and optical conductivity. In this model we take into accounts effects of
many parameters such as the atomic-number of the constituent ions, the electron exchange,
electron diffraction effect and the electron-ion collisions . Study of the optical parameters in the
solid-densit y, the warm-den se-matter, the big-p lanetary core, and the compact star number- density
regimes reveals that there are distinct differences between optical characteristics of the latter and
the former cas es due to the fundamental effects of the relativ istic degeneracy and oth er quantum
mechanisms. It is found that in the relativ istic degene racy plasma reg ime, such as found in whitedwarfs and neutron star crusts, matter possess a mu ch sharper and well-defined step-li ke reflection
edge beyond the x-ray electromagneti c spectrum, including som e part of gamma-ray frequencies. It
is also remarke d that the magnetic field intensity only s ignificantly affects the plasma reflectivity in
the lower number-densi ty regime, rather than the hig h densi ty limit. Current investigation confirms
the profound effect of relativ istic degeneracy on optical characteristics of matter and can pr ovide
an impo rtant plasma diagnost ic tool for studyin g the physical processes within the wide s cope
of quantum plasma reg imes be it the solid-densit y, inerti al-confined, or astroph ysical compact