The paper deals with the dynamic determination of the optimal sizing of CHP genera-
tion units using of MPSO. The optimal size of the CHP generation units as distributed
generation resources has been performed for reliability improvement, loss reduction, elec-
trical and heating energy supply in Besat Industrial Zone in Tabriz, Iran. The objective
function of the optimization problem has been defined in relation to the profit gained via
the installation of the CHP to the costs of this installation. Proposed function includes
the costs of investment, operation, repair and maintenance of CHP units. The principles
process includes the power flow and the generation limitations of the CHP units. In
order to define the problem as a dynamic programming for the planned years, the inter-
est rate and the annual inflation have been considered in the calculation of the electrical
and heating energy costs. The findings of the simulation indicate positive effects of CHP
units on electricity grid of Besat Industrial Zone.