Crystallization of poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) was investigated in pre-developed carbon
nanotube (CNT)/P3HT, reduced graphene oxide (rGO)/P3HT, CNT-g-P3HT/P3HT and rGOg-P3HT/P3HT supramolecules as well as differential scanning calorimetric (DSC)-
crystallized samples. Absorbance, structure details via Scherrer formula, melting enthalpy
(ΔHm) and crystallinity (Xc) were focused. CNT-g-P3HT/P3HT butterfly supramolecules
possessed larger and more compact and ordered crystallites than rGO-g-P3HT/P3HT cakelike ones. Highest melting point, fusion enthalpy, and crystallinity contents were recorded for
butterfly (246.3 °C, 32.23 J/g and 87.11%) and cake-like (241.7 °C, 31.07 J/g and 83.97%)
supramolecules. Melt-grown CNT-g-P3HT/P3HT and rGO-g-P3HT/P3HT nanostructures did
not demonstrate quality of respective butterfly and cake-like supramolecules; however, they
had better characteristics compared with melt-grown CNT/P3HT and rGO/P3HT samples.
Grafted rGO nanosheets were the best seeding agents for crystallization of P3HT chains in
melt state. The largest (D(100) = 18.01 nm and D(020) = 4.18 nm) and most-packed (d(100) =
14.29 Å and d(020) = 3.84 Å) crystallites and also the highest crystallinity (Xc = 41.16%) were
acquired for rGO-g-P3HT based melt-grown nanostructures.