عنوان Electrochemical preparation of poly 3-amino-5-hydroxypyrazole on copper and its corrosion protection efficiency نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده کلیدواژهها Poly 3-amino- 5-hydrox yp yrazole, Elect ropolymeri zation, Copper , Corrosi on, Elect rochem ical imp edance sp ectroscopy چکیده Elect rochem ical synthes is of poly 3-amino-5-hydrox yp yrazole (PAHP) on copp er elec trode sur-face was carried out by cyclic voltamm etry techni que in 0.03 M 3-amino- 5-hydrox ypyrazol e solut ion containing 0.3 M oxalic acid. The formati on of dark brown PAH P on co pper surfa ce was charac terized by cycl ic volt am-metry, FTIR an d scanni ng electron microsc opy tech-niques. The corros ion charac terist ics of copp er/PAH P electrode wer e evalua ted by elec trochemi cal met hods and elec troche mical imped ance spectroscopy in 3.5% NaCl solution. The obtain ed results indicate d that PAH P thin film coating was an excellent inhi bitor and control led copper corros ion agains t corros ive agents in 3.5% NaCl solution. پژوهشگران نازیلا خرم مسلک (نفر اول)، خلیل فرهادی (نفر دوم)، سید مسعود سیداحمدیان (نفر سوم)، بیوک حبیبی (نفر چهارم)