By calculating inequivalent classical r-matrices
for the gl(2,R) Lie algebra as solutions of (modified) classical
Yang-Baxter equation ((m)CYBE), we classify the YB
deformations ofWess-Zumino-Witten (WZW) model on the
GL(2,R) Lie group in twelve inequivalent families. Most
importantly, it is shown that each of these models can be
obtained from a Poisson-Lie T-dual σ-model in the presence
of the spectator fields when the dual Lie group is considered
to be Abelian, i.e. all deformed models have Poisson-Lie
symmetry just as undeformedWZWmodel on theGL(2,R).
In this way, all deformed models are specified via spectatordependent
background matrices. For one case, the dual background
is clearly found.