مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /A new Cost-Effective Model ...
A new Cost-Effective Model for Dynamic Pricing of Cloud Services based on Customer Demand Prediction
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
Cloud services, Dynamic pricing, Service allocation, Bayesian Vector Auto Regression
In Cloud computing, providers try to sell excess spare capacity of their resources or services to consumers in a market. An appropriate model raises providers' revenue and rockets customer’s satisfaction. There are many static pricing mechanism in which providers often considers a constant price for their services. Whereas providers are willing to use a dynamic pricing mechanism in which the prices change dynamically based on supply and demand. Therefore, using prediction mechanism in these economic models with aim to reach a moderate service pricing is vital. In this paper, a new dynamic pricing model based on Bayesian Vector Auto Regression (BVAR) methods has been proposed. This model initially forecasts customer’s demand through BVAR method. At the end, it uses a pricing mechanism to set the current suitable price based on the forecasted demand. Performance results observed in the simulating and comparing of this model show that the proposed dynamic pricing schema is able to achieve higher revenue than various other common fixed and variable pricing mechanisms. Despite of the advantages of the proposed model, the used BVAR method took much longer to train even though it produced better error results.
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