مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /Emotional Intelligence, ...
Emotional Intelligence, Multiple Intelligences and Writing Ability
نوع پژوهش کتاب
Emotional intelligence, Multiple intelligences, Writing ability, Gender
The present study aims at investigating the relationship between emotional intelligence (EI), multiple intelligences (MI), and writing ability of Iranian female and male students. To achieve this goal, a group of forty students studying English language and literature at Azerbaijan Shahid Madani University were asked to participate in the study; they were chosen without random assignment on the basis of non-probability sampling procedure. Twenty of the participants were female and twenty of them were male, and their age range was 19-26. The participants were given Bar-On's EQ questionnaire, Armstrong's questionnaire as well as a writing test. Baron's questionnaire consisted of 90 items, and Armstrong's questionnaire included 40 items. All the items were in Likert scale format and consisted of five statements. 1) Strongly disagree, 2) disagree, 3) somewhat agree, 4) agree, 5) strongly agree. The writing test was given as final exam of students' advanced writing course. Students' writing was rated by two raters, and inter rater reliability of 0.8 was achieved. The results obtained from EI and MI questionnaire were correlated with participants’ score on writing test. Analysis of data revealed that female and male students did not differ in the level of achievement in writing task. Gender also was not a significant factor in the students' EI and MI level. However female and male students showed different preferences in components of EI and MI. The results indicated no significant relationship between female and male students’ EI and their writing score. There was also no relationship between participants' MI and their writing score. Among components of EI, impulse control correlated negatively with males' writing ability. There was also no relationship between components of MI and writing ability of Iranian female and male students. The findings suggest that language teachers should consider emotional aspects of students' personality and accommodate for individual diffe
پژوهشگران بیوک بهنام (نفر اول)، فاطمه اسماعیلی (نفر دوم)، ابوالفضل رمضانی (نفر سوم)