Ascomycota, Biodiversity, Lake Urmia,
phylogeny, Poaceae, symbiosis.
In order to contribute to the knowledge of
endophytic fungi of Phragmites australis (Poaceae) in
Iran, seventeen isolates were recovered from the
leaves, stems and roots of healthy common reed
plants collected from five different sites around Lake
Urmia in the East and West Azarbaijan provinces,
Iran. Five different species viz Achroiostachys
betulicola, Ac. humicola, Cephalotrichum
tenuissimum, Myrmecridium schulzeri, and Priconia
igniaria were identified based on morphological
characteristics and phylogeny inferred from nuclear
internal ribosomal transcribed spacer sequence (ITS-
rDNA). To the best of our knowledge, this is the first
report of Ac. betulicola and Ac. humicola for the
Funga of Iran. In addition, this study provided new
insights into the distribution and host range of the
identified species.