مشخصات پژوهش

صفحه نخست /A quality-of-service aware ...
A quality-of-service aware composition-method for cloud service using discretized ant lion optimization algorithm
نوع پژوهش مقاله چاپ شده
Keywords Cloud computing · Service composition · Service quality · Ant lion algorithm · Stability
In the cloud system, service providers supply a pool of resources in the form of a web service and the services are merged to provide the required composite services. Composing a quality-of-service aware web service is like the knapsack problem and this problem is NP-hard. Different artificial intelligence and heuristic methods have been used to achieve optimal or near-optimal composite services. In this paper, the Ant Lion optimization algorithm was modified and discretized to choose the appropriate web services from the existing services and to provide the optimal composite services. The QWS dataset contains a collection of 2507 real-world web services which are used to evaluate the proposed method. In this study, response time parameters, availability, throughput, success capability, reliability, and latency were used as the web service quality metrics. The results of the conducted experiments confirm that the provided composite service by the proposed method has considerably higher quality than the other related algorithms. Hence, the proposed method can be used in the cloud resource discovery layer.
پژوهشگران بهمنِ آراسته عباس آباد (نفر اول)، بابک آقایی (نفر دوم)، عسگر علی بویر (نفر سوم)، کیوان آراسته (نفر چهارم)